The first of the three books of Avatar: The Last Airbender introduces us to Aang, the protagonist and title character of the series. We quickly learn that nearly a century prior, Aang was frozen in ice along with his loyal companion, a flying bison named Appa.
Over the years, Aang’s people, the Airbender kingdoms were invaded by the Fire Nation and all Airbenders exterminated. We quickly meet two members of the South Water Nation, Sokka and Katara, the latter of which is a Water Bender in search of training, as they discover and awaken Aang from his frozen state of sleep.
From there on, our heroes set out on a journey to help Aang master all four arts of Bending and this sense of discovery as we explore the world and history through flashbacks is what really makes the story of The Last Airbender so special.
Their journey is far from a peaceful however, with Prince Zuko, an exiled Fire Nation prince hot on the trail and causing problems at every stop Aang and company decide to make.
The main story arc of Book 1: Water follows the group as they begin their epic journey at the South Pole and head to the North Pole to seek another water kingdom for training. This is the same main storyline explored in the film adaptation, The Last Airbender, so if you want to get yourself pumped and prepared for the film, it’s prime time to start watching this series if you’re unfamiliar with it (or even if you are).
The series works for all audiences and is one of the few cartoons that’s completely re-watchable and just as enjoyable the second time through. While often comedic in nature, it becomes serious when it needs to be and explores plenty of darker themes and plot points. Although only a cartoon, the action-packed series depicts amazing martial arts fight choreography and an emotional story line that will capture your hearts and imagination as Aang, his pets and his young companions enter a new and dangerous world.

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