Imagine what your life would be like if your whole life, you'd been able to see spirits and ghosts. No I'm not referring to 'The Sixth Sense', I'm talking about the new action/drama/comedy anime called Bleach. The series follows 15 year old high school student Kurosaki Ichigo, and the adventures he has dealing with his rather unusual ability to see and communicate with spirits. But on one fateful night, he discovers that his until now harmless ability was about to put his own life and his families lives in great danger.

At first glance, Kurosaki Ichigo seems like your normal 15 year old high school student. But life at the Kurosaki household is anything but normal. He lives with his father and two younger sisters who all help run the clinic they own. With a father who enforces the curfue with his fists and two sisters who can see ghosts also (but not talk with them like he can), there is never a dull moment in this house. But things get even stranger when one night he meets a spirit girl named Kuchiki Rukia, a Shinigami or an angel of death. She explains to him that because of his high spiritual concentration, he will be targeted by evil spirits called Hollows who would very much like to devour his soul. The only way for Ichigo to protect himself and his family is to become a Shinigami himself.

So Rukia decides she will help him out by giving him half of her own powers to him, but in the process of doing so he unwittingly steals all of her powers. Weakened, Rukia is forced into her backup body (which unlike her regular body, normal humans can see it) until she regains some of her powers. Until she does, it is up to Ichigo to take over Rukias duties sent to her from Soul Society, or heaven. As if dealing with school and family weren't enough, young Ichigo must decide whether or not he is willing to accept the harsh responsibilities he will face as a Shinigami.


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